Motorola launched the QUENCH XT5 today for Rs 13990/-. The phone is running on Android 2.1, has a 5Mp camera. It has a high-resolution 3.2inch capacitive touch screen and a trackball .
The phone’s specifications are as follows:
- 12.5mm thin
- 114grams
- Android 2.1
- 5MP camera with digital zoom and LED flash
- 3.5G
- Wi-Fi
- Accelerometer
- Full HTML browser with Web kit
- MP3 player
- 2GB SD card in-box Memory is expandable up to 32GB
- 3.5mm headset jack
I must say that for an entry level Android phone in India this phone is a good option for all the smart phone lovers out there. Personally, I have seen that a lot of people in India do not like Motorola as a phone manufacturer of their choice and I agree with them for Motorolas that used to come 2-3 years earlier. But, a Motorola hardware running on Android is a good option for any body who wants to buy a value for money smartphone.