Posted: 30th January 2013 by Aditya Mahajan in Gadgets
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Buying phone specific battery packs in today’s “6-Month Obsolete cycle” for phones is an utter waste of money. Its better to go for something that can power up almost any gadget that has USB charging option. The Solar Joos Orange ($150), which charges about 3.5 times faster than other portable solar chargers, features high-efficiency solar cells that are set into a durable, injection-molded polycarbonate case that’s waterproof, sandproof, and generally rugged. It sports a 5400mAh lithium-ion polymer battery and a USB port for charging or powering everything from an iPad to a low-wattage fan. In addition, you can hook it to your computer to see reports on your power consumption and generation. It’s like your own portable power plant.

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