I don’t remember the beginning of our love story as I was too young when we first met,
I was flattered by your attention as by virtue of giving birth you had to over me fuss and fret,
I had cried as our first connection was being cut after months nine,
As soon as I was born you became my first love story and the one that will endure the longest as you have an unbeatable edge by being the creator of mine,
Then through studies and illnesses you nursed, pushed and coaxed me to get better;
At times when I didn’t want to do things to better myself you seemed as dangerous as the Mad hatter,
You have a heart of gold and a priceless smile,
Through my seemingly innocent facade I used to wonder whether you ever manage to spot the guile,
But now I know that by being a mother you accept your children with all their flaws as most of them are directly or indirectly because of parents,
From spoiling us with goodies to having us, when we were younger, as rent free tenants;
We went through a dark period when we lost our brightest light,
But even though he is irreplaceable and always will be I saw your beautiful spirit once again taking flight,
Now with your four wonderful children and an extremely cute grandchild,
I Think it’s time to let down your hair and have on this birthday a celebration wild
By – Aseem Mahajan