He had often warned himself not to build castles and decks of dreams for they had a way of crashing down unceremoniously whenever he dared build them. He had stopped making that mistake after numerous crash and burns. But then he dared again. Hoping this time it would be different. He had suffered through enough […]
Posts Tagged ‘mirage’
His Unique Life
Posted: 18th June 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: belonging, castles, code, confusion, crowd, epic, exceptional, existential, fame, Hero, highs, imperfect, life, love, lows, messy, mirage, mortality, nothingness, perfectly, play, reality, romance, success, trials, unique, villain
He thought he was the hero of the story but it was a story without a hero, a villain or an anti-hero. It was a play with multiple bit roles and no main cast. It was as abject or as grandiose a tale as there are perspectives in the universe. There were trials and tribulations, […]