Posts Tagged ‘sad’

My Lost Home

Posted: 25th August 2018 by aseem.ace in Thoughts
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The songs of my childhood lie captured in this structure of bricks; As the wind blows on this mournful morn, the sighs and creaks play on my mind weird tricks; I remember the day we first came to call this place our home around 26 years ago, I remember the passage of time as from […]

He had often warned himself not to build castles and decks of dreams for they had a way of crashing down unceremoniously whenever he dared build them. He had stopped making that mistake after numerous crash and burns. But then he dared again. Hoping this time it would be different. He had suffered through enough […]

When you think about the etymology of words don’t you wonder how words for emotions and more complex phenomenon evolved? I often wonder who coined the term ‘Happy’ or its predecessors in various languages. I would have loved to have been present there to experience the indefinable joy of knowing what to call that warm […]