If you have been always fascinated to own that exclusive looking pistol you want to flaunt, this is one option you would not regret to take. Gone are the time of the cowboys who used to wield one pistol in each hand to fire two rounds at once. With the Arsenal Firearms Double Barrel Pistol, you can fire two bullets with a single hand. Built in part to commemorate the Colt 1911-A1, this new pistol — given the model number AF2011-A1 — shoots two .45 caliber rounds at a time, accurately, and spaced incredibly close — at 15 yards, both rounds will fit into an orange — yet still manages to use a number of interchangeable internal parts, which can be swapped with standard 1911 replacement parts. Available in silver or black finishes.
Posted: 12th February 2013 by Aditya Mahajan in GadgetsTags: .45 caliber, arsenal, barrel, caliber, colt, double barrel, firearm, pisotl