She teetered on the edge of wonderful insanity, or so she thought sometimes. She waltzed in and out of mosaic dreamscapes littered with unimaginable beauty and utter horrors. She was perplexed yet happy with what was happening. She thought she must be cocooned in some parallel universe. Perhaps one of her own making, was she […]
Posts Tagged ‘creation’
A Dreamscape
Posted: 24th April 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: comforted, creation, dreamscape, fly, frightened, goddess, happy, horrors, insanity, meadow, mountains, nothingness, oblivion, ocean, shadows, she, swim, valleys
Excerpts from the movie Waking Life
Posted: 7th December 2010 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: creation, dreams, eternity, existential, fear, imperfection, infinity, job, lack, laziness, life, minimum, real, reality, symbols, thousand, time, wage, Waking life, words, years
I love many lines from the movie.The concept of dream time and existential dilemma is discussed through intelligent conversation and the medium of Stop Motion Animation.Highly recommend it. ‘There are two types of sufferers in this world. Those that suffer from a lack of life and those that suffer from an overabundance of it.’ ‘They […]