Posts Tagged ‘real’
Dream Girl
Posted: 7th December 2010 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: coordinates, dream girl, just wishing, numbers, real, time, wanting, xkcd
Words to live by courtesy John Keats
Posted: 7th December 2010 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: beauty, before, existed, experienced, fine, grave, human nature, imagination, John Keats, keats, minds, original minds, real, scenery, senastions, think, thoughts, truth, water, writ
I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the heart’s affections and the truth of imagination what the imagination seizes as beauty must be truth whether it existed before or not. O for a life of Sensations rather than of Thoughts! Many have original minds who do not think it they are led away […]
Excerpts from the movie Waking Life
Posted: 7th December 2010 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: creation, dreams, eternity, existential, fear, imperfection, infinity, job, lack, laziness, life, minimum, real, reality, symbols, thousand, time, wage, Waking life, words, years
I love many lines from the movie.The concept of dream time and existential dilemma is discussed through intelligent conversation and the medium of Stop Motion Animation.Highly recommend it. ‘There are two types of sufferers in this world. Those that suffer from a lack of life and those that suffer from an overabundance of it.’ ‘They […]
Thoughts of a lazy mind
Posted: 1st December 2010 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: bliss, chaos, dreams, eternally, imagination, love, mould, real, reality, thoughts, wings
Some thoughts by Me- If reality was borne on the wings of dreams we would exist in beautiful chaos. How real is reality?Is happiness real? Is pain real?Wouldn’t it be better if we could mould them as easily as our thoughts. Love is a figment of everybody’s imagination .We created it for eternally suffering bliss. […]