But that was war. Just about all he could find in its favor was that it paid well and liberated children from the pernicious influence of their parents.  Destiny is a good thing to accept when it’s going your way. When it isn’t, don’t call it destiny; call it injustice, treachery, or simple […]
Posts Tagged ‘truth’
Quotes and Excerpts from Joseph Heller’s Works
Posted: 25th March 2011 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: children, dentist, destiny, forever, heller, history, joseph, laughter, truth, war
This is a poem I wrote around 7 years back from today: When the Angels dreamed of a world so fine, The Devil woke up and the clock struck nine… The Angels designed the world really wise, But the Devil was a troublemaker in disguise… The path to destinies was well lit by the torches […]
Words to live by courtesy John Keats
Posted: 7th December 2010 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: beauty, before, existed, experienced, fine, grave, human nature, imagination, John Keats, keats, minds, original minds, real, scenery, senastions, think, thoughts, truth, water, writ
I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the heart’s affections and the truth of imagination what the imagination seizes as beauty must be truth whether it existed before or not. O for a life of Sensations rather than of Thoughts! Many have original minds who do not think it they are led away […]