The smile from a random stranger in return to a genuine smile from you. Conversations with strangers in a language you don’t even understand but the kindness and warmth of that conversation beams a universal message of good will. Finding the one when you weren’t even looking. In the process finding the questions to your […]
Posts Tagged ‘existential’
The Little and Big Joys of Life
Posted: 5th December 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: big, charity, child, coffee, dog, dream, existential, failure, father, happiness, happy, her, hungry, journey, joy, kindness, life, little, lost, love, music, nephew, petrichor, purpose, random, realize, road, smile, stranger, wanderer
His Unique Life
Posted: 18th June 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: belonging, castles, code, confusion, crowd, epic, exceptional, existential, fame, Hero, highs, imperfect, life, love, lows, messy, mirage, mortality, nothingness, perfectly, play, reality, romance, success, trials, unique, villain
He thought he was the hero of the story but it was a story without a hero, a villain or an anti-hero. It was a play with multiple bit roles and no main cast. It was as abject or as grandiose a tale as there are perspectives in the universe. There were trials and tribulations, […]
Excerpts from the movie Waking Life
Posted: 7th December 2010 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: creation, dreams, eternity, existential, fear, imperfection, infinity, job, lack, laziness, life, minimum, real, reality, symbols, thousand, time, wage, Waking life, words, years
I love many lines from the movie.The concept of dream time and existential dilemma is discussed through intelligent conversation and the medium of Stop Motion Animation.Highly recommend it. ‘There are two types of sufferers in this world. Those that suffer from a lack of life and those that suffer from an overabundance of it.’ ‘They […]