With thoughts of you my words spontaneously bleed, On our happiness and love they flourish and feed, You fit so snugly in the nook of my arm, With you by my side the greatest challenges seem benign hurdles and the world’s blows seem to do no harm, That crazy twinkle […]
Posts Tagged ‘journey’
The Little and Big Joys of Life
Posted: 5th December 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: big, charity, child, coffee, dog, dream, existential, failure, father, happiness, happy, her, hungry, journey, joy, kindness, life, little, lost, love, music, nephew, petrichor, purpose, random, realize, road, smile, stranger, wanderer
The smile from a random stranger in return to a genuine smile from you. Conversations with strangers in a language you don’t even understand but the kindness and warmth of that conversation beams a universal message of good will. Finding the one when you weren’t even looking. In the process finding the questions to your […]
Love for the Road Untaken
Posted: 17th September 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: adventure, cubicle, door, famishes, happy, journey, lovers, miles, moor, pain, paramour, Rain, roads, shackles, siren, smiles, sunshine, union
The road calls to me like a siren from a lonely moor, Come on home it says and abandon your artificial constructs and exit through that ever revolving door, I answer back, soon my love, An epic journey awaits around the corner, I am coming soon, To bask in thy glory and revel in […]
Of a Life ill spent
Posted: 30th April 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: ages, climbed, curmudgeon, destination, dreams, empathy, heart, higher, imagination, journey, jump, land, life, louis, man, matrix, reality, rebellions, road, robert, romantic, sea, stevenson, thorny, trekked, undone, unknown, unsaid, vista, young man
As he climbed higher he was witness to a fantastic vista. The horizon endless, the sea and the land merging into each other with the harmony that only nature can achieve. He had come here ages ago once. He had treaded the same pine needle strewn paths on the edge of the world or so […]
The Open Roads
Posted: 7th March 2014 by aseem.ace in Poems, ThoughtsTags: comfort zone, fantasies, fantasy, friendships, itinerary, journey, longings, nomad, norway, open roads, people, roads, sights, trails, travel, traveling, waking thoughts, yearning
The open roads, the winding trails and cityscapes all brimming with stories, joys and sorrows of strangers and umpteen sights and sounds to be seen and heard; and memories yet to be forged , Vistas natural and man-made beckon to me with the alluring promise of experiencing the undiscovered, As I go through my […]