As he climbed higher he was witness to a fantastic vista. The horizon endless, the sea and the land merging into each other with the harmony that only nature can achieve. He had come here ages ago once. He had treaded the same pine needle strewn paths on the edge of the world or so […]
Posts Tagged ‘romantic’
Of a Life ill spent
Posted: 30th April 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: ages, climbed, curmudgeon, destination, dreams, empathy, heart, higher, imagination, journey, jump, land, life, louis, man, matrix, reality, rebellions, road, robert, romantic, sea, stevenson, thorny, trekked, undone, unknown, unsaid, vista, young man
Posted: 28th November 2010 by aseem.ace in PoemsTags: hands on her hips, love, love of his life, memories, poetry, reminiscence, romantic
She stood there with her nose crinkled and her hands on her hips, Anger seemingly flowing out through her fingertips, Her tongue lashing him with the fury of a storm unabating , Angry or while sleeping? When did she seem more beautiful he with himself kept debating, She threw small objects at him to break […]