He was adrift in a sea of indecision. Life was a sinkhole and he was sinking further into the morass of a jaded existence. Lonely despite friends and sad despite the smiles. Directionless and vague ambitions and plans for the future. Existential crisis, quarter life crisis or whatever it may be termed he had diagnosed […]
Posts Tagged ‘smiles’
Posted: 4th November 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: adrift, ambitions, child, corporate, depressed, direction, existence, heaven, her, him, hope, indecision, lonely, nothing, parent, petrichor, purpose, Rain, sea, smiles, sociopath, soil, something, song, the one, the woman, universe, whim
Love for the Road Untaken
Posted: 17th September 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: adventure, cubicle, door, famishes, happy, journey, lovers, miles, moor, pain, paramour, Rain, roads, shackles, siren, smiles, sunshine, union
The road calls to me like a siren from a lonely moor, Come on home it says and abandon your artificial constructs and exit through that ever revolving door, I answer back, soon my love, An epic journey awaits around the corner, I am coming soon, To bask in thy glory and revel in […]