He was adrift in a sea of indecision. Life was a sinkhole and he was sinking further into the morass of a jaded existence. Lonely despite friends and sad despite the smiles. Directionless and vague ambitions and plans for the future. Existential crisis, quarter life crisis or whatever it may be termed he had diagnosed […]
Posts Tagged ‘ambitions’
Posted: 4th November 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: adrift, ambitions, child, corporate, depressed, direction, existence, heaven, her, him, hope, indecision, lonely, nothing, parent, petrichor, purpose, Rain, sea, smiles, sociopath, soil, something, song, the one, the woman, universe, whim
The Twilight Loneliness
Posted: 18th September 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: alive, ambitions, chill, despair, died, existence, eyes, Fire, first kiss, george, her, joy, love, memories, past, play, ROSE, sacred words, sadness, storm, terrible, up
He smiled reading the old messages as his old bones creaked with every movement. He stoked the fireplace to ignite the embers into a greater frenzy, for the warmth that went through him reading these old messages wasn’t enough anymore for keeping the chill from affecting him. Plus losing her had made him a morose […]
Better Man
Posted: 7th May 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: ambitions, better, crossroads, dead, destructive, drinker, end, fairy, freedom, funeral, happiness, he, her, highs, his, job, lighthouse, lost, lows, man, marriage, nagged, prodded, road, self-loathing, she, smiling, smoker, spiral, truck
As he stood there smiling, he recalled what a mess he had been when he had met her. A chain smoker, a heavy drinker and locked in a self-destructive spiral of depression and self-loathing. She had seen all that and still become his friend. As a friend she had improved him, as a lover she […]