He smiled reading the old messages as his old bones creaked with every movement. He stoked the fireplace to ignite the embers into a greater frenzy, for the warmth that went through him reading these old messages wasn’t enough anymore for keeping the chill from affecting him. Plus losing her had made him a morose […]
Posts Tagged ‘alive’
The Twilight Loneliness
Posted: 18th September 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: alive, ambitions, chill, despair, died, existence, eyes, Fire, first kiss, george, her, joy, love, memories, past, play, ROSE, sacred words, sadness, storm, terrible, up
Insanely Sane Musings
Posted: 1st August 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: alive, bondage, broke, dead, deafening, death, drown, fly, freedom, heaven, hell, insane, life, musings, petrichor, rains, sane, sorrow
The silence was deafening. The oppressive freedom and the desired bondage were equally attainable. The clock ticked to signify passage of time or perhaps at its whim, it was easy to determine which and everyone tried to not figure out what it was about but couldn’t remember what they were trying for in the last […]
Life, the Universe and Nothing
Posted: 15th May 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: alive, ambition, cell, envy, heartbreak, imagination, joy, life, malevolent, material, misery, nothing, pain, panacea, reproduction, universe, whimsy
He had been a happy cell and then reproduction had disrupted his happy equilibrium. With consciousness had come discomfort and the constant flirtations with the twin serpents that joy and pain are. He had been a happy child but with age had come heartbreak, ambition, joy, envy and pain. Imagination had diminished with the years […]