Posts Tagged ‘sorrow’

Comments Off on How to Assign Meaning to a Meaningless World

First step is to make sure that he who dies, dies not in vain, Second to make sure that he who screams, screams not in pain, Third that the tears which come unbidden are those of joy and sorrow casts not a shade on our ephemeral existence, Fourth that we laugh honestly at least once a day and […]

The silence was deafening. The oppressive freedom and the desired bondage were equally attainable. The clock ticked to signify passage of time or perhaps at its whim, it was easy to determine which and everyone tried to not figure out what it was about but couldn’t remember what they were trying for in the last […]

I don’t want to forget the day I saw you smile for the first time, It lit up everything around and made the moment sublime, I don’t want to forget the first time I saw you cry, tears streaming down your cheek, For that day my heart wept and never before nor since have I […]


Posted: 28th November 2010 by aseem.ace in Thoughts
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A stranger arrived from out of town, dread following in his wake. An aura of ancient wisdom and sorrow graver than a funeral hung around him. I immediately recognized death and rushed to embrace it with the despair and nonchalance of youth. But as i did so he collapsed into wisps of smoke and scattered […]