First step is to make sure that he who dies, dies not in vain, Second to make sure that he who screams, screams not in pain, Third that the tears which come unbidden are those of joy and sorrow casts not a shade on our ephemeral existence, Fourth that we laugh honestly at least once a day and […]
Posts Tagged ‘souls’
How to Assign Meaning to a Meaningless World
Posted: 4th July 2015 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: art, define, dies, emotions, end, fourth, glory, joy, meaning, meaningless, mind, music, screams, selves, sorrow, souls, stars, third, universe
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Reflections Of a Warped Mind?
Posted: 25th December 2010 by aseem.ace in Opinions, ThoughtsTags: angels, cannibalistic, caring, demons, foolish, happy, innocence, landscape, love, mind, prospects, reflections, sleep, souls, stupor, survival
A midnight rant(actually written at 4 in the morning after a particularly hard day)- In a stuporous state i looked at the world with glazed eyes and saw it for what it was. Perhaps being in a sleep induced stupor is essential to understand this inexplicable realm. I saw the justice behind every selfish deed. […]
Last Winter
Posted: 10th December 2010 by aseem.ace in PoemsTags: child, chill, coalesce, despair, Fire, grief, heal, hope, Last winter, life, loss, misery, nature, souls, stones, tears, winds, winter
The chill of last winter is still in their bones, Their very souls froze at a brush of the cold stones, The fire in their hearth burned strong and bright , Yet against the chill of the heart, it provided no respite, For the winter’s chill was not due to the freezing winds alone, It […]