As I tend to frequently remind her she was the inspiration for my first ever creative effort. Of all the muses I have flirted with the most enduring one. What can one say about a mother that’s not been said or expressed in the choicest of words or in gestures and expressions that are over […]
Posts Tagged ‘innocence’
An Ode to Mom
Posted: 10th May 2015 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: care, charity, cherish, dad, day, dog, failures, good, innocence, kindness, mom, mother, mother's day, muse, slept, triumphs, try, wife
Reflections Of a Warped Mind?
Posted: 25th December 2010 by aseem.ace in Opinions, ThoughtsTags: angels, cannibalistic, caring, demons, foolish, happy, innocence, landscape, love, mind, prospects, reflections, sleep, souls, stupor, survival
A midnight rant(actually written at 4 in the morning after a particularly hard day)- In a stuporous state i looked at the world with glazed eyes and saw it for what it was. Perhaps being in a sleep induced stupor is essential to understand this inexplicable realm. I saw the justice behind every selfish deed. […]