As I tend to frequently remind her she was the inspiration for my first ever creative effort. Of all the muses I have flirted with the most enduring one. What can one say about a mother that’s not been said or expressed in the choicest of words or in gestures and expressions that are over […]
Posts Tagged ‘mother’
An Ode to Mom
Posted: 10th May 2015 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: care, charity, cherish, dad, day, dog, failures, good, innocence, kindness, mom, mother, mother's day, muse, slept, triumphs, try, wife
India Shining ??
Posted: 19th January 2013 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: angry, apathy, clothes, daughter, future, girl, guy, india, legs, male, misogyny, mother, progress, rajdhani, rape, self-defence, sister, soni sori, sunitha krishnan, taxi, women
I was travelling in Europe for 3.5 months and the main news I came home to was a brutal gang rape in Delhi that shook the conscience of a Nation- Or so I thought. Sadly I was mistaken. Throughout my travels I had been extolling the virtue of the average Indian. That despite seemingly insurmountable […]
127 Hours-A movie review
Posted: 29th January 2011 by aseem.ace in Opinions, ReviewsTags: 127 hours, Aron, Boyle, camera, Danny, death, dido, Franco, hallucination, hard, James, life, lost, love, mother, oscar, Ralston, rock, soundtrack, urine, video, water
127 Hours by Danny Boyle has been nominated for 6 Oscars including Best motion picture and Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role and its easy to see why. The movie is based on the true story of Aron Ralston. A devil may care attitude and a self-gratifying approach to life literally lands […]