The silence was deafening. The oppressive freedom and the desired bondage were equally attainable. The clock ticked to signify passage of time or perhaps at its whim, it was easy to determine which and everyone tried to not figure out what it was about but couldn’t remember what they were trying for in the last […]
Posts Tagged ‘sane’
Insanely Sane Musings
Posted: 1st August 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: alive, bondage, broke, dead, deafening, death, drown, fly, freedom, heaven, hell, insane, life, musings, petrichor, rains, sane, sorrow
A Reverie Inspired by Nature- everyone’s muse
Posted: 23rd May 2011 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: bliss, dream, infinite, knowledge, muse, nature, puppy, religion, reverie, sane, sanity, science, silent, song, spectator, travel, universe
A reverie lost in the last bird song of the day. The fragrance of a thousand life forms intermingled to form the perfume of nature. The canopy of stars and the tiny squirming life(my puppy) in my arms- bliss is such little moments gathered together over a lifetime. The song of silent words and unshared […]