Posts Tagged ‘sanity’

Time slows or accelerates erratically akin to a river running its course, a magnificent, unignorable and intimidating presence ; Some memories and voices don’t fade even though time through its agents of entropy persistently tries, for they remain etched as permanent tattoos on our very essence; Time is a roaring maelstrom on the surface of our […]

A reverie lost in the last bird song of the day. The fragrance of a thousand life forms intermingled to form the perfume of nature. The canopy of stars and the tiny squirming life(my puppy) in my arms- bliss is such little moments gathered together over a lifetime. The song of silent words and unshared […]

A love letter i wrote on a Friend’s Request

Posted: 24th December 2010 by aseem.ace in Thoughts
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This is a letter i wrote for a friend who had a crush on one of his high school class mates but could never profess those feelings.It led to a brief affair and now that both parties have moved on I can safely reproduce it here. I have never been sure whether what I felt […]