He smiled as the first shot hit him in the shoulder, the pain radiating out from his shoulder like ripples from a pebble in the stream. Spreading out much like the blood splotches spreading over his shirt, just faster. The second took his ear off and he was sad as he wouldn’t be appreciating good […]
Posts Tagged ‘joke’
His War
Posted: 17th September 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: children, cosmic, diplomacy, Fire, first, hit, joke, life, lost, men, nothing, ripples, shot, shoulder, smiled, static, stream, time, war
Posted: 27th December 2010 by aseem.ace in OpinionsTags: anniversary, father, husband, jail, joke, night, robe, wife
A joke i read somewhere- A woman gets up in the night to find that her husband was not in the bed. She puts on her robe and goes downstairs to look for him.She finds him sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in front of him .He appeared deep in thought […]