He smiled as the first shot hit him in the shoulder, the pain radiating out from his shoulder like ripples from a pebble in the stream. Spreading out much like the blood splotches spreading over his shirt, just faster. The second took his ear off and he was sad as he wouldn’t be appreciating good […]
Posts Tagged ‘shot’
His War
Posted: 17th September 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: children, cosmic, diplomacy, Fire, first, hit, joke, life, lost, men, nothing, ripples, shot, shoulder, smiled, static, stream, time, war
Posted: 28th December 2011 by Aditya Mahajan in GadgetsTags: aeroshot, caffeine, coffee, shot
Some of the caffeine addicts out there just crave for that one perfect coffee shot at some of the most non-coffee places. For all such cravings there is a perfect solution in the gadget above.  Aeroshot provides you with a portable burst of caffeine — 100mg of it, to be exact — via a fine powder that […]
Mitch Hedberg Funny quotes
Posted: 18th January 2011 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: difficult, easy, funny, hard, Hedberg, mailman, Mitch, payment, plants, reach, shot
I saw this commercial on late night TV, it was for this thing you attach to a garden hose, it was like “You can water your hard-to-reach plants with this product.” Who the fuck would make their plants hard to reach? That seems so very mean. “I know you need water, but I’m gonna make […]