“When a small child, I thought that success spelled happiness. I was wrong, happiness is like a butterfly which appears and delights us for one brief moment, but soon flits away.” -Anna Pavlova It peeks at us from around the corner. Smiling invitingly. Singing the siren’s song to mesmerize us. And as we rush towards […]
Posts Tagged ‘work’
The Elusive Beast Called Happiness
Posted: 11th April 2015 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: beast, dance, declare, desert, elusive, happier, happiness, intention, jobs, love, luck, misunderstand, oasis, petrichor, positive, rainy, work
The Sachin I know- by Harsha Bhogle(a 2009 article)
Posted: 1st April 2011 by aseem.ace in OpinionsTags: ajit, allan, batting, bowlers, century, collins, cronje, dire, distracted, donald, ethic, glasses, Hansie, harsha bhogle, india, interview, kenya, knopfler, mark, match, sachin, starry, stars, tendulkar, wealth, won, work
Sachin Tendulkar may have inspired others to write poetry but he batted in robust prose. Not for him the tenderness and fragility of the poet, the excitement of a leaf fluttering in a gentle breeze. No. Tendulkar is about a plantation standing up to the typhoon, the skyscraper that stands tall, the cannon that booms. […]