The long awaited fourth installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie series is finally out and I must say its a worth watch for the story line. This part has one of the best put forward story lines amongst all of the parts, though I was a bit disappointed by the pace of the movie and a bit of lack of action at the high seas.

The movie starts with Captain Jack being held captive at a British facility where Captain Barbossa is the leader of the British ship about to set sail for the fountain of youth. As usual Captain Jack Sparrow’s antics and the drunkedness is entertaining and makes you laugh. He escapes  the British only to meet extremely lovely Penelope Cruze (She is one of the major attractions of this installment) impersonating him as Jack Sparrow. The two together escape the British soldiers and eventually Jack finds himself aboard a ship which belongs to the evil Black Beard. The ship is magical and controlled using a magical sword by its bearer. They too set sail for the Fountain of Youth, as the Black Beard wants to make himself immortal. The British set sail with the help of Gibbs(he remembers the map) under the captaincy of Barbossa and then there are the French too headed for the same destination.Aboard the ship Jack discovers that the Black Pearl is being held captive in a bottle using some magical spell and instigates the crew on board for a mutiny, but its short lived and Black Beard cuts it before it even starts.

We are in for some magical treat aboard the ship and then there is a sequence with mermaids who are beautiful yet evil to the last strand of DNA in their body. After a sequence with mermaids we reach the island where the Fountain lies and also lie a number of problems awaiting the seekers of the Fountain of Youth. The elements that make the movie worth watching are Penelope Cruze, Jack Sparrow, lots of magic, well put forward storyline and the mysterious Black Beard’s antics. In this installment we see Jack confessing his love for Penelope and finally again getting hold of the Black Pearl making us guess what might be the next POC all about. Who gets their hands on the fountain of youth and who gets short-changed is better to be watched in person. But, be ready to find the movie getting a bit sluggish in some parts. I would personally rate the movie as 7/10 and I watched it in 3D and not write much about it as it is better watched in a movie hall near you.

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