More than 4 years have gone since I last heard your sage advice and received that unconditional love. Your voice is fading like faint whispers on the ether of time. Yet you live on through me and mom; through Aditya and your daughter in law; and through your grandson who you couldn’t see. What wonderful […]
Posts Tagged ‘best’
My Dad- A Eulogy
Posted: 21st April 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: adventures, best, bond, cloudiest, crazy, dad, dead, death, doubts, eulogy, friend, grandson, grief, guide, happiness, idea, integrity, lived, love, miss, mom, soul, sunshine, time, unconditional, whispers, you
Why I would not want to be Sachin -Harsha Bhogle after WC 2011 South Africa defeat
Posted: 1st April 2011 by aseem.ace in OpinionsTags: 22, 99, age, best, bhogle, cup, examination, failed, harsha, lot, mood, move, sachin, single, south africa, tendulkar, world, years
Remember when you failed an examination?  How many people recall that, your class, friends, relatives? You failed to make it to the IITs or IIMs. Who remembers. How many times have you had the feeling of being the best in your class, school , university, state….., you failed to get a visa stamped this quarter…, […]