More than 4 years have gone since I last heard your sage advice and received that unconditional love. Your voice is fading like faint whispers on the ether of time. Yet you live on through me and mom; through Aditya and your daughter in law; and through your grandson who you couldn’t see. What wonderful […]
Posts Tagged ‘doubts’
My Dad- A Eulogy
Posted: 21st April 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: adventures, best, bond, cloudiest, crazy, dad, dead, death, doubts, eulogy, friend, grandson, grief, guide, happiness, idea, integrity, lived, love, miss, mom, soul, sunshine, time, unconditional, whispers, you
April Fool’s Day and some funny quotes
Posted: 28th March 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: April, april fool day funniest quotes, april fool day quotes, april's fool day funny, april's fool day quotes, clever, day, doubts, einstein, fool, fool's, foolproof, funniest, mark, Plato, quotes, say, silly, twain, wise
Small April sobbed, I’m going to cry Please give me a cloud to wipe my eye; Then April Fool, she laughed instead And smiled a rainbow overhead.-Anonymous “A fellow who is always declaring he’s no fool, usually has his suspicions.”-Anonymous A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to […]