The entity soared above Earth, the home of one of the sentient species of the universe. They had primitive technology and grand ideas about their importance in the Universe. They still believed in deities and miracles. There was so much suffering. Yet Earth was one of the most beautiful inhabited planets out there. There was […]
Posts Tagged ‘entity’
Dear Old Big Blue
Posted: 5th May 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: ageing, beautiful, big, blue, disease, Earth, entity, entropy, existence, Fire, freedom, grand, heartache, heartbreak, hunger, joy, marble, meteor, paradox, peace, perverse, philosophers, planet, romance, saints, selfish, selfless, sensory, sentient, universe, war, wonder, world
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That One time When I kind of Died
Posted: 28th April 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: 72, atheist, cpr, dad, dark, death, diarrhoea, died, entity, family, heaven, hindu, lights, omnipotent, once, permanently, rejuvenation, ring, shit, stupid, the boy who lived, tunnel, verbal, virgins, white, world, zilch
I have actually been dead once for over a minute at the age of around 3. My father was a doctor otherwise I would have remained dead for a bit longer and more permanently. He performed CPR and saved me that day and inflicted upon the world my verbal diarrhoea. And maybe I was too […]