The entity soared above Earth, the home of one of the sentient species of the universe. They had primitive technology and grand ideas about their importance in the Universe. They still believed in deities and miracles. There was so much suffering. Yet Earth was one of the most beautiful inhabited planets out there. There was […]
Posts Tagged ‘beautiful’
Dear Old Big Blue
Posted: 5th May 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: ageing, beautiful, big, blue, disease, Earth, entity, entropy, existence, Fire, freedom, grand, heartache, heartbreak, hunger, joy, marble, meteor, paradox, peace, perverse, philosophers, planet, romance, saints, selfish, selfless, sensory, sentient, universe, war, wonder, world
He and She
Posted: 25th April 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: abstract, and, animals, artist, beautiful, death, drive, facts, he, live, movies, music, reason, rhyme, routine, scientist, she, travel, tv, ugly, walk
He was an artist. She was a scientist. He liked abstract concepts, she liked facts. He abhorred certainty, she found comfort in routine. She frowned, he smiled. She worried; he let life roll gently by. She liked to dance, he had two left feet. He liked to hike in the forests and the mountains, she […]
An Unplanned Journey to Slovenia
Posted: 8th October 2012 by aseem.ace in Opinions, ThoughtsTags: beautiful, bled, bohinj, castle, cat, ferry, gorge, israel, milan, monfalcone, nature, new zealand, pakistan, peace, ski, slovenia, train, travel, waterfall
Day (-2) : I am off to Slovenia I decided. Reached the station just in time and the train turned out to have only sleeping coaches, hence a charge of 40 euros!! Next train -too late to get bookings!! Ah, well the trip got postponed. Day (-1) : Will definitely go today I thought. Started […]
H. L. Mencken Funny Quotes
Posted: 8th June 2011 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: alimony, animal, beautiful, bore, children, church, cynic, democracy, election, faith, funny, H.L, heaven, idealist, love, machine, man, married, Mencken, newspaper, politician, professor, quotes, sunday, thought
A church is a place in which gentlemen who have never been to heaven brag about it to persons who will never get there. A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin. A man always remembers his first love with special tenderness, but after that he begins to […]