He was an artist. She was a scientist. He liked abstract concepts, she liked facts. He abhorred certainty, she found comfort in routine. She frowned, he smiled. She worried; he let life roll gently by. She liked to dance, he had two left feet. He liked to hike in the forests and the mountains, she […]
Posts Tagged ‘animals’
He and She
Posted: 25th April 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: abstract, and, animals, artist, beautiful, death, drive, facts, he, live, movies, music, reason, rhyme, routine, scientist, she, travel, tv, ugly, walk
‘Panique au village or A town Called Panic -a Review
Posted: 5th January 2011 by aseem.ace in Opinions, ReviewsTags: animals, animation, bricks, child, cowboy, dishonest, farmer, horse, indian, motion, Movie review, panic, penguin, quirky, rate, surreal, town, underwater
Panique au village or A town Called Panic as it was titled in English is a quirky Belgian animated movie. Its audio is in French and I watched it with English subtitles. It’s a quirky movie with stop motion animation and lots of things that may seem totally absurd as you read them here. The […]