As the director of the film Zack Snyder(director of Dawn of the dead,300 and Watchmen) himself said about the movie-‘It’s like “Alice in Wonderland” with machine guns.’ ;this movie is a stunning visual piece set on the boundary between grim reality and fantasy-where everything goes. Warner Bros.’ official synopsis states that “Sucker Punch is an epic action […]
Posts Tagged ‘stand’
Sucker Punch-A Movie Review
Posted: 28th March 2011 by aseem.ace in Opinions, ReviewsTags: action, anything, bomb, Bordello, brothel, carla, cgi, dragon, emily, fall, fantasy, fifth, fight, Fire, hamm, jon, key, knife, mad, map, men, mental, punch, robots, samurai, something, soundtrack, stand, sucker, vanessa, virgin, wise
Casio Tryx Camera
Posted: 11th January 2011 by Aditya Mahajan in Gadgets, PhotographyTags: 12.1megapixel, casio, compact, digital camera, stand, tripod, tryx
In the over crowded world of digital compacts the competition has now reached at a level where your camera must be innovative and completely different from what others have to offer. And that is where the new Casio Tryx beats or at least tries to beat its rivals. This camera can actually stand-up and the […]
Sucker Punch HD trailer
Posted: 3rd December 2010 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: action, action movie, anything, fall, Hd, HD trailer, movie, punch, stand, sucker, sucker punch, trailer
If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.