As the director of the film Zack Snyder(director of Dawn of the dead,300 and Watchmen) himself said about the movie-‘It’s like “Alice in Wonderland” with machine guns.’ ;this movie is a stunning visual piece set on the boundary between grim reality and fantasy-where everything goes. Warner Bros.’ official synopsis states that “Sucker Punch is an epic action […]
Posts Tagged ‘sucker’
Sucker Punch-A Movie Review
Posted: 28th March 2011 by aseem.ace in Opinions, ReviewsTags: action, anything, bomb, Bordello, brothel, carla, cgi, dragon, emily, fall, fantasy, fifth, fight, Fire, hamm, jon, key, knife, mad, map, men, mental, punch, robots, samurai, something, soundtrack, stand, sucker, vanessa, virgin, wise
Sucker Punch HD trailer
Posted: 3rd December 2010 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: action, action movie, anything, fall, Hd, HD trailer, movie, punch, stand, sucker, sucker punch, trailer
If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.