These are few of my favorite lines from novels i read too long ago to write proper reviews for but recommend highly to any lover of the written story- From-Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke- “Long, long ago, (said the voice,) five hundred years ago or more, on a winter’s day at twilight, […]
Posts Tagged ‘stones’
A few lines from my favorite novels
Posted: 24th December 2010 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: animal, clarke, cuckoo's, dogs, fear, flew, humor, hurt, jonathan, laugh, nest, nurse, one, pain, stones, strange, white, york
Last Winter
Posted: 10th December 2010 by aseem.ace in PoemsTags: child, chill, coalesce, despair, Fire, grief, heal, hope, Last winter, life, loss, misery, nature, souls, stones, tears, winds, winter
The chill of last winter is still in their bones, Their very souls froze at a brush of the cold stones, The fire in their hearth burned strong and bright , Yet against the chill of the heart, it provided no respite, For the winter’s chill was not due to the freezing winds alone, It […]