On a clear winter night he ventured further into the unknown. Despite his love of adventure and a spirit tempered in the forges of extremes of failure and success he was still shaking inside with a curious mix of joy and trepidation. He was prepared for the unpredictable dangers that lurked on this path he […]
Posts Tagged ‘strange’
The Adventure
Posted: 25th November 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: adventure, ascetic, blame, brethren, certainty, countless, day, extremes, failure, forges, friends, glory, heartbeat, humour, joy, joyous, marriage, men, priest, spirit, strange, success, unknown, vows, winter
A few lines from my favorite novels
Posted: 24th December 2010 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: animal, clarke, cuckoo's, dogs, fear, flew, humor, hurt, jonathan, laugh, nest, nurse, one, pain, stones, strange, white, york
These are few of my favorite lines from novels i read too long ago to write proper reviews for but recommend highly to any lover of the written story- From-Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke- “Long, long ago, (said the voice,) five hundred years ago or more, on a winter’s day at twilight, […]