On a clear winter night he ventured further into the unknown. Despite his love of adventure and a spirit tempered in the forges of extremes of failure and success he was still shaking inside with a curious mix of joy and trepidation. He was prepared for the unpredictable dangers that lurked on this path he […]
Posts Tagged ‘friends’
The Adventure
Posted: 25th November 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: adventure, ascetic, blame, brethren, certainty, countless, day, extremes, failure, forges, friends, glory, heartbeat, humour, joy, joyous, marriage, men, priest, spirit, strange, success, unknown, vows, winter
The Tramp
Posted: 30th December 2010 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: air, bench, cancer, died, doctor, europe, friends, join, london, love, park, short story, tramp, wife
The tramp was striding down the road clutching a newspaper with a spring in his step despite his ragged appearance.Torn clothes and a layer of grime did not deter him from whooping in joy every now and then.The entrance to the park he spent his days in ,loomed ahead.The park bench had been his home […]
Friends you can joke with
Posted: 17th December 2010 by Aditya Mahajan in ThoughtsTags: boss, friends, jokes, light, office
Its very important to have friends that you can joke with ,without thinking that they might get offended or take things to their heart. Life is already quite small, so its preferable to be surrounded by people whom you can laugh out loud with. I think I am happy that I have such people around […]