On a clear winter night he ventured further into the unknown. Despite his love of adventure and a spirit tempered in the forges of extremes of failure and success he was still shaking inside with a curious mix of joy and trepidation. He was prepared for the unpredictable dangers that lurked on this path he […]
Posts Tagged ‘spirit’
The Adventure
Posted: 25th November 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: adventure, ascetic, blame, brethren, certainty, countless, day, extremes, failure, forges, friends, glory, heartbeat, humour, joy, joyous, marriage, men, priest, spirit, strange, success, unknown, vows, winter
New Life-A poem by me
Posted: 9th July 2011 by aseem.ace in Poems, ThoughtsTags: adventure, adventurer, anxiety, beginnings, calcutta, fun, IIM, IIM-Calcutta, joy, life, new, spirit, while
A poem I wrote inspired by my first two weeks at IIM Calcutta.Its been fun and hoping for more good times ahead. New Life, New beginnings, Tides of change elicit a sigh, Joy and apprehension intermingled exist when an adventure is nigh, For even welcome change approaches with nostalgia in tow, Some emotions unbidden; […]