From the director of the epic screwball comedy-“The Hangover” comes another great comedy that seems to be inspired by one of my all time favourite comedies-“Planes,Trains and Automobiles.” Zach Galifianakis as Ethan (retained from “The Hangover”) is a man-child who is going to LA to pursue his dream of being an actor and Robert Downey […]
Posts Tagged ‘comedy’
Due date-A review
Posted: 24th December 2010 by aseem.ace in Opinions, ReviewsTags: bomb, coffee, comedy, due date, ethan, funny, hangover, L.A., Mexican, peter, pot, road, robert, trip, wife, zack
Project Mayhem
Posted: 28th November 2010 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: comedy, friendly neighbourhood alien, intelligent beings from outer space, project, Sci fi, tree
I knew my neighbor was an alien. He never used to stare at the extremely beautiful girl staying on the other side of my house. Instead he used to stare at me (before you get funny ideas read further). Additionally he did have greenish skin hidden by a polymer resembling Human skin, 2 antennas which […]