He drifted into yet another town, a stranger whose eyes belied his true age. He had stopped ageing otherwise since he embraced the life he really wanted to live. Eons had passed in but a few years and time had left him by the wayside. As usual he made his way into the local tavern […]
Posts Tagged ‘grief’
The Stranger
Posted: 23rd April 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: age, alone, beer, Catch 22, chaos, conversation, data, desire, drifted, drink, embrace, grief, journeys, milestone, mirth, nowhere, road, stranger, town
My Dad- A Eulogy
Posted: 21st April 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: adventures, best, bond, cloudiest, crazy, dad, dead, death, doubts, eulogy, friend, grandson, grief, guide, happiness, idea, integrity, lived, love, miss, mom, soul, sunshine, time, unconditional, whispers, you
More than 4 years have gone since I last heard your sage advice and received that unconditional love. Your voice is fading like faint whispers on the ether of time. Yet you live on through me and mom; through Aditya and your daughter in law; and through your grandson who you couldn’t see. What wonderful […]
Friendship Day quotes
Posted: 7th August 2011 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: art, camus, cares, face, friendship, friendship day, funny, grief, healing, judge, lewis, quotes, yeats
Age appears to be best in four things, old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. -Francis Bacon The blessing it is to have a friend to whom one can speak fearlessly on any subject; with whom one’s deepest as well as one’s most foolish […]
Last Winter
Posted: 10th December 2010 by aseem.ace in PoemsTags: child, chill, coalesce, despair, Fire, grief, heal, hope, Last winter, life, loss, misery, nature, souls, stones, tears, winds, winter
The chill of last winter is still in their bones, Their very souls froze at a brush of the cold stones, The fire in their hearth burned strong and bright , Yet against the chill of the heart, it provided no respite, For the winter’s chill was not due to the freezing winds alone, It […]