He smiled reading the old messages as his old bones creaked with every movement. He stoked the fireplace to ignite the embers into a greater frenzy, for the warmth that went through him reading these old messages wasn’t enough anymore for keeping the chill from affecting him. Plus losing her had made him a morose […]
Posts Tagged ‘play’
The Twilight Loneliness
Posted: 18th September 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: alive, ambitions, chill, despair, died, existence, eyes, Fire, first kiss, george, her, joy, love, memories, past, play, ROSE, sacred words, sadness, storm, terrible, up
His Unique Life
Posted: 18th June 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: belonging, castles, code, confusion, crowd, epic, exceptional, existential, fame, Hero, highs, imperfect, life, love, lows, messy, mirage, mortality, nothingness, perfectly, play, reality, romance, success, trials, unique, villain
He thought he was the hero of the story but it was a story without a hero, a villain or an anti-hero. It was a play with multiple bit roles and no main cast. It was as abject or as grandiose a tale as there are perspectives in the universe. There were trials and tribulations, […]
The Circadian Rhythm- A play by Akash Dey Part 2
Posted: 27th April 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: act, allegory, art, beach, bhatia, brave, change, constant, consultant, Fire, heart, interesting, life, lion, money, office, pablo, play, professor, ruth, scene, sex, table
Scene 2 The lights gradually flicker and fade and shift to the middle of the stage where O is looking in their direction. She is unkempt, wearing pyjamas and a loose t-shirt. With her hair in a perfunctory knot. She’s clearly not interested in dressing up or looking good. An indefinite amount of time has […]