When you think about the etymology of words don’t you wonder how words for emotions and more complex phenomenon evolved? I often wonder who coined the term ‘Happy’ or its predecessors in various languages. I would have loved to have been present there to experience the indefinable joy of knowing what to call that warm […]
Posts Tagged ‘knowledge’
Words and the Allure of Languages
Posted: 22nd May 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: allure, caveman, complex, define, dream, envy, etymology, everything, expression, figment, fuzzy, happy, hieroglyph, hollowness, inert, knowledge, languages, life, live, love, manifest, mankind, nothing, reader, sad, sadness, salute, semiconscious, symbols, waking, warm, words
A Reverie Inspired by Nature- everyone’s muse
Posted: 23rd May 2011 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: bliss, dream, infinite, knowledge, muse, nature, puppy, religion, reverie, sane, sanity, science, silent, song, spectator, travel, universe
A reverie lost in the last bird song of the day. The fragrance of a thousand life forms intermingled to form the perfume of nature. The canopy of stars and the tiny squirming life(my puppy) in my arms- bliss is such little moments gathered together over a lifetime. The song of silent words and unshared […]