He smiled as the first shot hit him in the shoulder, the pain radiating out from his shoulder like ripples from a pebble in the stream. Spreading out much like the blood splotches spreading over his shirt, just faster. The second took his ear off and he was sad as he wouldn’t be appreciating good […]
Posts Tagged ‘smiled’
His War
Posted: 17th September 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: children, cosmic, diplomacy, Fire, first, hit, joke, life, lost, men, nothing, ripples, shot, shoulder, smiled, static, stream, time, war
Unrequited Love
Posted: 5th May 2014 by aseem.ace in Poems, ThoughtsTags: chaos, chords, crushing, damning, existence, hair, heart, life, loneliness, love, marred, poem, proof, scarred, smiled, tousle, tried, unrequited, vanity, welcome, wisps
Transfixed he stared at those errant strands wanting nought but to touch them, Tousle those further to see her play longer on the chords that seemed to his touch alluringly welcome, Those wisps of hair she kept fiddling with when nervous or angry, perhaps driven by a subconscious desire for order amidst the chaos that […]