Archive for the ‘Opinions’ Category

“This is a rule of racing: No race has ever been won in the first corner; many have been lost there.”     On recommendation of Aditya Mahajan ( Aseem’s brother), I saw this movie “the Art of racing in the rain” today and I just can’t stop thinking of  LEO ( . This movie is an exact depiction of […]

Disclaimer: I am not trying to influence you to vote for any particular party- that is your discretion and right. As we approach the election season social media in India has turned into a minefield with people posting/fighting/name calling / frothing at the mouth/ fuming and what not about and for the political outfit of […]

Day (-2) : I am off to Slovenia I decided. Reached the station just in time and the train turned out to have only sleeping coaches, hence a charge of 40 euros!! Next train -too late to get bookings!! Ah, well the trip got postponed. Day (-1) : Will definitely go today I thought. Started […]

While watching a concert video of the legendary Michael Jackson yesterday, a thought crossed my mind which happens to cross the mind an umpteen number of times, which is :” Wow!!! He is awesome. ‘What-if’ I could also be like this?”. this simple one line thought opens up a world of possibilities and then our […]

Corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country. -Karl Kraus In a country that has been ravaged with corruption to an extent as in India a single man has sparked hope and provided  inspiration to multitudes who had until […]

“What is my dream job?” …this is a questions that pesters almost all of us all through our lives. I have thought about this atleast a million-zillion times and still not reached a conclusions. Sometimes one thing sounds like a perfect dream job and sometimes something else. This question has been the part of my […]

“I couldn’t have asked for anything more than this. Winning the World Cup is the proudest moment of my life. Thanks to my team-mates. Without them, nothing would have happened. I couldn’t control my tears of joy.” Sachin Tendulkar “I took a quite few decisions tonight, if we hadn’t won I would have been asked […]