The road calls to me like a siren from a lonely moor, Come on home it says and abandon your artificial constructs and exit through that ever revolving door, I answer back, soon my love, An epic journey awaits around the corner, I am coming soon, To bask in thy glory and revel in […]
Posts Tagged ‘miles’
Love for the Road Untaken
Posted: 17th September 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: adventure, cubicle, door, famishes, happy, journey, lovers, miles, moor, pain, paramour, Rain, roads, shackles, siren, smiles, sunshine, union
Posted: 8th December 2010 by aseem.ace in PoemsTags: beseech, blues, century, change, detach, Earth, god, hues, infinite, life, miles, nature, oneness, poem
As the miles roll by and I see Earth’s various hues, As the downpour washes away my blues, I feel raw as a newborn child, All the rough edges i have gathered smoothened and my temper rendered mild, I beseech life then to let me be but an observer of its mosaic shades, To let […]