I don’t remember the beginning of our love story as I was too young when we first met, I was flattered by your attention as by virtue of giving birth you had to over me fuss and fret, I had cried as our first connection was being cut after months nine, As soon as I […]
Posts Tagged ‘mom’
Mom’s Birthday & My Funny Ode
Posted: 3rd September 2016 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: birth, birthday, celebration, flaws, free, funny, funny mom birthday, happy, illness, love, Love story, mom, mom's birthday, parents, smile, story, studies, wild, young
Happy Birthday Dad
Posted: 13th August 2015 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: child, dad, damn, father, happy, happy birthday, hole, know, leave, lives, love, mom, selfless, void
I have found the one. We are getting married. She is perfect. But hey dad do you know something? I miss you. God damn it I will always miss you. You were serenity. You were smiles. You always calmed the turmoil within me with your infinite patience and selfless love. But hey you had to […]
An Ode to Mom
Posted: 10th May 2015 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: care, charity, cherish, dad, day, dog, failures, good, innocence, kindness, mom, mother, mother's day, muse, slept, triumphs, try, wife
As I tend to frequently remind her she was the inspiration for my first ever creative effort. Of all the muses I have flirted with the most enduring one. What can one say about a mother that’s not been said or expressed in the choicest of words or in gestures and expressions that are over […]
My Dad- A Eulogy
Posted: 21st April 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: adventures, best, bond, cloudiest, crazy, dad, dead, death, doubts, eulogy, friend, grandson, grief, guide, happiness, idea, integrity, lived, love, miss, mom, soul, sunshine, time, unconditional, whispers, you
More than 4 years have gone since I last heard your sage advice and received that unconditional love. Your voice is fading like faint whispers on the ether of time. Yet you live on through me and mom; through Aditya and your daughter in law; and through your grandson who you couldn’t see. What wonderful […]
Calvin and Hobbes some of my favourite excerpts
Posted: 9th December 2010 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: absurdity, babies, bill, blue light, calvin and hobbes, come, contact, dad, evolution, excerpts, funny, humor, humour, ignorance, intelligent, kids, Kmart, learning, mom, peace, scary, SEARS, war
Hobbes: Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous? Calvin: Isn’t it strange that evolution would give us a sense of humor? When you think about it, it’s weird that we have a physiological response to absurdity. We laugh at nonsense. We like it. We think it’s funny. Don’t you think it’s odd that we […]
Some of my favourite Calvin and Hobbes Lines
Posted: 8th December 2010 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: atheist, calvin, calvin and hobbes, comic, denial, enemies, hobbes, life, mom, reading, reality, rudeness, state, strips, swear words, tests, weekends
I understand my tests are popular reading in the teachers’ lounge. Life’s disappointments are harder to take when you don’t know any swear words. Reality continues to ruin my life. Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of […]