Posts Tagged ‘memories’

Time slows or accelerates erratically akin to a river running its course, a magnificent, unignorable and intimidating presence ; Some memories and voices don’t fade even though time through its agents of entropy persistently tries, for they remain etched as permanent tattoos on our very essence; Time is a roaring maelstrom on the surface of our […]

He smiled reading the old messages as his old bones creaked with every movement. He stoked the fireplace to ignite the embers into a greater frenzy, for the warmth that went through him reading these old messages wasn’t enough anymore for keeping the chill from affecting him. Plus losing her had made him a morose […]

“Just under the surface I shall be, all together at first, then separate and drift, through all the earth and perhaps in the end through a cliff into the sea, something of me. A ton of worms in an acre, that is a wonderful thought, a ton of worms, I believe it.”- Samuel Beckett Well […]

Knowing that certain nights whose sweetness lingers will keep returning to the earth and sea after we are gone, yes, this helps us to die. I don’t know whether this world has a meaning that transcends it. But I know that I cannot know that meaning and that it is impossible for me just now […]


Posted: 28th November 2010 by aseem.ace in Poems
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She stood there with her nose crinkled and her hands on her hips, Anger seemingly flowing out through her fingertips, Her tongue lashing him with the fury of a storm unabating , Angry or while sleeping? When did she seem more beautiful he with himself kept debating, She threw small objects at him to break […]