First step is to make sure that he who dies, dies not in vain, Second to make sure that he who screams, screams not in pain, Third that the tears which come unbidden are those of joy and sorrow casts not a shade on our ephemeral existence, Fourth that we laugh honestly at least once a day and […]
Author Archive
How to Assign Meaning to a Meaningless World
Posted: 4th July 2015 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: art, define, dies, emotions, end, fourth, glory, joy, meaning, meaningless, mind, music, screams, selves, sorrow, souls, stars, third, universe
An Ode to Mom
Posted: 10th May 2015 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: care, charity, cherish, dad, day, dog, failures, good, innocence, kindness, mom, mother, mother's day, muse, slept, triumphs, try, wife
As I tend to frequently remind her she was the inspiration for my first ever creative effort. Of all the muses I have flirted with the most enduring one. What can one say about a mother that’s not been said or expressed in the choicest of words or in gestures and expressions that are over […]
Posted: 28th April 2015 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: breeze, crashes, dies, envy, essence, frost, gain, hope, joy, loss, lost, pain, presence, snowfall, struggle, sunshine, winter
They do not envy your loss, they only envy your gain, They envy your happiness, they do not envy your pain, They envy your wandering, they do not envy that you are hopelessly lost, They envy your enjoyment of the snowfall not the pain you endure with the frost, They envy your winter sunshine and […]
The Elusive Beast Called Happiness
Posted: 11th April 2015 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: beast, dance, declare, desert, elusive, happier, happiness, intention, jobs, love, luck, misunderstand, oasis, petrichor, positive, rainy, work
“When a small child, I thought that success spelled happiness. I was wrong, happiness is like a butterfly which appears and delights us for one brief moment, but soon flits away.” -Anna Pavlova It peeks at us from around the corner. Smiling invitingly. Singing the siren’s song to mesmerize us. And as we rush towards […]
The Little and Big Joys of Life
Posted: 5th December 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: big, charity, child, coffee, dog, dream, existential, failure, father, happiness, happy, her, hungry, journey, joy, kindness, life, little, lost, love, music, nephew, petrichor, purpose, random, realize, road, smile, stranger, wanderer
The smile from a random stranger in return to a genuine smile from you. Conversations with strangers in a language you don’t even understand but the kindness and warmth of that conversation beams a universal message of good will. Finding the one when you weren’t even looking. In the process finding the questions to your […]