Posts Tagged ‘music’

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First step is to make sure that he who dies, dies not in vain, Second to make sure that he who screams, screams not in pain, Third that the tears which come unbidden are those of joy and sorrow casts not a shade on our ephemeral existence, Fourth that we laugh honestly at least once a day and […]

  With thoughts of you my words spontaneously bleed, On our happiness and love they flourish and feed,     You fit so snugly in the nook of my arm, With you by my side the greatest challenges seem benign hurdles and the world’s blows seem to do no harm,     That crazy twinkle […]

The smile from a random stranger in return to a genuine smile from you. Conversations with strangers in a language you don’t even understand but the kindness and warmth of that conversation beams a universal  message of good will. Finding the one when you weren’t even looking. In the process finding the questions to your […]

He and She

Posted: 25th April 2014 by aseem.ace in Thoughts
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He was an artist. She was a scientist. He liked abstract concepts, she liked facts. He abhorred certainty, she found comfort in routine. She frowned, he smiled. She worried; he let life roll gently by. She liked to dance, he had two left feet. He liked to hike in the forests and the mountains, she […]

When anybody hears the term-“Oktoberfest” all one thinks about is the ultimate festival of beer. But a rainy visit to the hallowed grounds of Beerland gave me a fresh perspective on what exactly Oktoberfest is. The majestic statue of a lady with a lion leant a sombre and towering presence overhanging the grounds. The grounds […]


Posted: 23rd January 2013 by Aditya Mahajan in Gadgets
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Its the wireless age and I am sure a lot of you must have been bothered by the wires hampering your movement while listening to your favorite music.  Sennheiser has the perfect answer to all your woes , while delivering exception quality the music aficionado in you craves for. These Sennheiser RS 220 Wireless Headphones ($600) use an […]


Posted: 2nd March 2012 by Aditya Mahajan in Gadgets
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Its probably the “Heights of being an Ipod dock”.  The  Behringer iNuke Boom  costing $30,000 is capable of producing 10000 watts of sound and yes its not a fridge and can probably make you deaf. It weighs 700 pounds. And with your puny Ipod in its dock its capable of breaking all the windows of upto 50 […]