When you think about the etymology of words don’t you wonder how words for emotions and more complex phenomenon evolved? I often wonder who coined the term ‘Happy’ or its predecessors in various languages. I would have loved to have been present there to experience the indefinable joy of knowing what to call that warm […]
Archive for May, 2014
Words and the Allure of Languages
Posted: 22nd May 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: allure, caveman, complex, define, dream, envy, etymology, everything, expression, figment, fuzzy, happy, hieroglyph, hollowness, inert, knowledge, languages, life, live, love, manifest, mankind, nothing, reader, sad, sadness, salute, semiconscious, symbols, waking, warm, words
Death, Life and Some things in between
Posted: 21st May 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: appealing, birth, bleed, broke, broken, chronicle, constituent, death, faith, heaven, hell, ideal, indifferent, life, matter, memories, samuel beckett, sea, surface, worms, yolo, you only live once
“Just under the surface I shall be, all together at first, then separate and drift, through all the earth and perhaps in the end through a cliff into the sea, something of me. A ton of worms in an acre, that is a wonderful thought, a ton of worms, I believe it.”- Samuel Beckett Well […]
Life, the Universe and Nothing
Posted: 15th May 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: alive, ambition, cell, envy, heartbreak, imagination, joy, life, malevolent, material, misery, nothing, pain, panacea, reproduction, universe, whimsy
He had been a happy cell and then reproduction had disrupted his happy equilibrium. With consciousness had come discomfort and the constant flirtations with the twin serpents that joy and pain are. He had been a happy child but with age had come heartbreak, ambition, joy, envy and pain. Imagination had diminished with the years […]
Better Man
Posted: 7th May 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: ambitions, better, crossroads, dead, destructive, drinker, end, fairy, freedom, funeral, happiness, he, her, highs, his, job, lighthouse, lost, lows, man, marriage, nagged, prodded, road, self-loathing, she, smiling, smoker, spiral, truck
As he stood there smiling, he recalled what a mess he had been when he had met her. A chain smoker, a heavy drinker and locked in a self-destructive spiral of depression and self-loathing. She had seen all that and still become his friend. As a friend she had improved him, as a lover she […]
What Should I Write about today- He Wondered?
Posted: 5th May 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: bikes, blank, block, boat, Cars, defend, ditty, document, failures, fighting, honour, hunches, hydra, meaningless, mocking, nature, noob, nothingness, p.p.s, p.s., page, politics, punches, religion, row, scream, sports, stream, today, traveling, victories, what, wondered, write, writers'
Well what do I write about today? The blank document teased him. He wanted to beat the white space filled with oodles of nothingness into submission. He wanted fame, glory and to make a living writing and this damn white Microsoft Word document had the gumption to mock him. He produced black letters on the […]
Dear Old Big Blue
Posted: 5th May 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: ageing, beautiful, big, blue, disease, Earth, entity, entropy, existence, Fire, freedom, grand, heartache, heartbreak, hunger, joy, marble, meteor, paradox, peace, perverse, philosophers, planet, romance, saints, selfish, selfless, sensory, sentient, universe, war, wonder, world
The entity soared above Earth, the home of one of the sentient species of the universe. They had primitive technology and grand ideas about their importance in the Universe. They still believed in deities and miracles. There was so much suffering. Yet Earth was one of the most beautiful inhabited planets out there. There was […]