He was an artist. She was a scientist. He liked abstract concepts, she liked facts. He abhorred certainty, she found comfort in routine. She frowned, he smiled. She worried; he let life roll gently by. She liked to dance, he had two left feet. He liked to hike in the forests and the mountains, she […]
Posts Tagged ‘travel’
He and She
Posted: 25th April 2014 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: abstract, and, animals, artist, beautiful, death, drive, facts, he, live, movies, music, reason, rhyme, routine, scientist, she, travel, tv, ugly, walk
The Open Roads
Posted: 7th March 2014 by aseem.ace in Poems, ThoughtsTags: comfort zone, fantasies, fantasy, friendships, itinerary, journey, longings, nomad, norway, open roads, people, roads, sights, trails, travel, traveling, waking thoughts, yearning
The open roads, the winding trails and cityscapes all brimming with stories, joys and sorrows of strangers and umpteen sights and sounds to be seen and heard; and memories yet to be forged , Vistas natural and man-made beckon to me with the alluring promise of experiencing the undiscovered, As I go through my […]
OKTOBERFEST- A Perspective
Posted: 5th February 2013 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: beer, dance, family, friendly, girls, lowenbrau, macarena, munich, music, oktoberfest, proposal, rides, six pack, statue, thoughts, travel, young
When anybody hears the term-“Oktoberfest” all one thinks about is the ultimate festival of beer. But a rainy visit to the hallowed grounds of Beerland gave me a fresh perspective on what exactly Oktoberfest is. The majestic statue of a lady with a lion leant a sombre and towering presence overhanging the grounds. The grounds […]
Posted: 5th February 2013 by Aditya Mahajan in GadgetsTags: crisp, shirt, shirt shuttle, shuttle, travel
The next time you are headed to that important meeting and want your best looking shirt to be as crisp as new carry along the shirt shuttle.The Shirt Shuttle (roughly $50) makes it possible. This simple travel helper features a curved-edge folding board to ensure that your shirt remains uncreased, and a lightweight, water-resistant case that’s specially […]
An Unplanned Journey to Slovenia
Posted: 8th October 2012 by aseem.ace in Opinions, ThoughtsTags: beautiful, bled, bohinj, castle, cat, ferry, gorge, israel, milan, monfalcone, nature, new zealand, pakistan, peace, ski, slovenia, train, travel, waterfall
Day (-2) : I am off to Slovenia I decided. Reached the station just in time and the train turned out to have only sleeping coaches, hence a charge of 40 euros!! Next train -too late to get bookings!! Ah, well the trip got postponed. Day (-1) : Will definitely go today I thought. Started […]
A Reverie Inspired by Nature- everyone’s muse
Posted: 23rd May 2011 by aseem.ace in ThoughtsTags: bliss, dream, infinite, knowledge, muse, nature, puppy, religion, reverie, sane, sanity, science, silent, song, spectator, travel, universe
A reverie lost in the last bird song of the day. The fragrance of a thousand life forms intermingled to form the perfume of nature. The canopy of stars and the tiny squirming life(my puppy) in my arms- bliss is such little moments gathered together over a lifetime. The song of silent words and unshared […]